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What is Gomining?

What is Gomining? You Can Register Securely Here Gomining is an infrastructure project for Bitcoin mining. The main aim of the project is to provide simple access to Bitcoin mining to participants with different skill levels, from beginner to expert. Gomining is a professional mining company founded in 2017 by a pool of international investors. As of April 2021, the company has data centers worldwide with over 200 MW of its own power consumption infrastructure. The management of this large-scale infrastructure creates its own ecosystem, which includes a full cycle of competencies necessary to ensure a high level of project implementation in the crypto space. Gomining has two important products: Gomining token (GMT) and unique NFTs. The Gomining token is the company's utility token. It is considered a means of payment when purchasing NFTs. It makes it possible to pay for NFT maintenance and receive discounts. It can be used to pay for game mechanics. It is
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The Most Profitable Investments in the Last 10 Years

The Most Profitable Investments in the Last 10 Years Investing is one of the smartest options to evaluate your savings and secure your future. However, you need to be careful which instruments you choose when investing. Because the return, risk and maturity of each investment instrument is different. Therefore, before investing, you should analyze the markets well, determine the instruments that suit your investment goals and diversify your portfolio. Among the most profitable investments in the last 10 years are options such as gold, stock market, foreign currency, real estate and crypto money. You should remember that each of these investment instruments has advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, when investing, you should also consider future expectations rather than just looking at past performance. Gold is one of the oldest investment instruments in history. Gold is both a safe haven and a store of value. Gold prices generally change depending on global economic and political

The Relationship Between Money and Psychology

The Relationship Between Money and Psychology Money is an important part of our lives. Many activities such as earning, spending, saving and investing are factors that affect our psychology. So what is the relationship between money and psychology? Does money bring happiness? Is money anxiety caused by depression or anxiety? Is money management related to our personality traits? You can find the answers to these questions in this blog post. Money and Happiness The relationship between money and happiness is a widely researched topic in the field of psychology. In general, it has been observed that earning money increases the level of happiness, but after a certain point, satisfaction is reached and more money does not affect happiness. Although this point varies from country to country, on average it is around 75 thousand dollars per year. In other words, those who earned below this amount became happier as they earned more money, while those who earned above this amount stated that th

Jobs That Can Be Done at Home

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Difference Between Entrepreneur and Investor

 Difference Between Entrepreneur and Investor The concepts of entrepreneur and investor are often confused. However, there are important differences between these two words. An entrepreneur is a person who produces a new business idea, takes risks and creates value to implement it. An investor is a person who believes in the entrepreneur's business idea, provides him with financial support and expects a dividend. We can list the differences between entrepreneur and investor as follows: - The entrepreneur finds and develops the business idea himself. The investor learns and evaluates the business idea from the entrepreneur. - The entrepreneur spends time, effort and money to bring his business idea to life. The investor supports the entrepreneur by investing money in the business idea. - The entrepreneur takes responsibility and decides for the success of the business idea. The investor advises and supervises the entrepreneur to ensure the success of the business idea. - The entrepr

Countries that will have the 10 largest economies in 2030

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Tactics for Researching Ways to Make Money

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Steps You Can Take to Prevent Your Earnings from Losing

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Beginner's Guide to Starting Investing

 Beginner's Guide to Starting Investing Investing is an important step to evaluate your savings and ensure financial security for your future. But getting started investing can seem difficult and complicated, especially for beginners. Questions such as which investment instruments to choose, how much risk to take, and how long to invest may scare prospective investors. In this article, we have prepared a guide to starting investing for beginners. We will explain the basic concepts of investing, the advantages and disadvantages of investment instruments, investment strategies and the points you should pay attention to when investing. Basic Concepts of Investing Investing means purchasing or holding a property or asset in the hope that it will increase in value or generate income. The purpose of investing is to preserve or increase the value of your money. Some of the basic concepts you will encounter when investing include: - Return: It is the profit you get from your investment. Re

Turning Investment Opportunities into Success

 Opportunities can appear at every moment of our lives. Opportunity means the moment when suitable conditions arise to do something. In order to seize opportunities, one must first desire and realize them. If we want to be successful in life and improve ourselves, we must contribute to both ourselves and our environment in the work we do. We encounter many alternatives in our business and private lives. But among these, the ones that can change our lives are opportunities. “Your choices that determine the course of your life and the opportunities you see are not the same thing.” Timing is crucial to seizing opportunities. Because opportunities may not always be where you are. That's why you should take action to not miss the opportunities that come your way and to be ready for them. Opportunities don't come to wait.

You Want to Invest. So do you know the direction to go?

 You Want to Invest. So do you know the direction to go? Your way of thinking also affects your investment decisions. In investment, as in every field, there is a long way from ideas to goals. It is possible to explain this as follows: In order to achieve a goal, you must manage to visualize it in your mind. There are two types of thinking: Critical thinking style and creative thinking style. What is critical thinking style? Explaining the answer to this question is a bit difficult. However, critical thinking style and the ability to make the right decisions are closely related to each other. Critical thinking focuses on evidence, evidence, and factual information. We can express this differently: People who can think critically do not take their personal feelings and thoughts into consideration when making decisions. It will be very useful for those who want to make money by investing to develop this way of thinking. At this time, the decision-making process will be in the form of eva

10 Ways to Invest While Working Full Time

 10 Ways to Invest While Working Full Time Investing is one of the best ways to achieve your financial goals. But investing can be difficult while working full time. Your time and energy are limited, and it is not easy to do the research required to pursue investment opportunities. That's why we've compiled 10 ways to invest while working full time. These tips will help you make investing easier and more efficient. 1. Invest automatically. Automatic investment means that you automatically transfer a certain amount to your investment account every month. This way, you won't have to worry about saving or forgetting money to invest. Automatic investing allows you to save money and be disciplined. It also allows you to hedge against market fluctuations and buy at lower prices using the average cost method. 2. Create passive income sources. Passive income is income you earn without working or putting in little effort. For example, writing a blog, publishing an e-book, creating a

What is Late Liquidity Window, What Does It Mean?

 What is Late Liquidity Window, What Does It Mean? Late liquidity window is an opportunity provided by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) to banks as the lender of last resort to prevent payment problems that may occur between banks at the end of the day. Thanks to this facility, banks can borrow or lend in TL from the CBRT in an overnight maturity. These operations are carried out between 16:00-17:00. The late liquidity window is a temporary and overnight application. The purpose of the late liquidity window is to manage TL liquidity in the market to achieve monetary policy objectives. The CBRT can affect the funding cost and the value of TL by determining the interest rates it applies in the late liquidity window. For example, if the late liquidity window raises interest rates, banks' cost of borrowing from the CBRT increases and the value of TL rises. This may limit the increase in exchange rates. Likewise, if the late liquidity window reduces interest rates, bank

What is the Big Mac Index and Why is it Important?

 What is the Big Mac Index and Why is it Important? The Big Mac index is an indicator used to compare the cost of living in different regions of the world. This index calculates the purchasing power of the currencies of those countries based on the prices of the same product, the Big Mac hamburger, in different countries. Thus, it is possible to see which countries' currencies are overvalued or undervalued. The Big Mac index was introduced by the British economic magazine The Economist in 1986. The magazine explained the reason for choosing the Big Mac hamburger as follows: "Big Mac is a standard product sold almost everywhere in the world. The ingredients in the Big Mac (meat, bread, cheese, lettuce, onion, pickles, sauce) are available in every country and "They are inputs whose prices can be easily tracked. Additionally, the price of a Big Mac also reflects factors such as that country's labor cost, taxes, and rent expenses." How is the Big Mac index calculate

What is the Money Supply and Why is it Important?

What is the money supply and why is it important? To understand the answer to this question, it is necessary to first define the concept of money. Money is a medium of exchange used in the buying and selling of goods and services. Money facilitates transactions in the economy and serves as a store of value. Money supply refers to the amount of money in circulation in the economy. Money supply is controlled by the central bank and affects macroeconomic variables such as economic growth, inflation, and interest rates. Increasing the money supply increases aggregate demand in the economy and raises the price level. This leads to the phenomenon called inflation. Inflation means a decrease in the purchasing power of money. A decrease in the money supply reduces the total demand in the economy and lowers the price level. This leads to the phenomenon called deflation. Deflation means an increase in the purchasing power of money. Stable management of the money supply is important for economic

How Does the Value of the Euro Change?

 How does the value of the Euro change? To understand the answer to this question, it is necessary to know how the Euro works as a currency and what factors affect it. In this blog post, I will explain the main factors that play a role in determining the value of the Euro. The euro is the official currency of the European Union (EU). The 19 EU member states form a common currency area called the Eurozone. Approximately 340 million people living in the Eurozone use the Euro in their daily lives. The euro is the second most traded currency in the world. After the US dollar, it is the most used currency in international trade and financial transactions. The value of the euro is determined by the balance of supply and demand in the market. Supply and demand have an impact on the exchange rate of the Euro with other currencies. Exchange rate is the price of one currency in terms of another currency. For example, the EUR/USD exchange rate shows how many US dollars 1 Euro is equal to. There a

The Effect of Growth Data on the Economy

 The Effect of Growth Data on the Economy Growth data is an indicator that shows the total value of goods and services produced by a country in a certain period. Growth data reflects the level of economic activity, the country's prosperity and competitiveness. Growth data is announced quarterly by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK). The impact of growth data on the economy is related to many factors. For example, if growth data is announced above expectations, this indicates that the country's economic performance has improved and confidence in the future has increased. In this case, the national currency appreciates, investments increase, interest rates decrease, employment is created and inflationary pressure decreases. On the contrary, if growth data is announced below expectations, this indicates that the country's economic performance has worsened and confidence in the future has decreased. In this case, the national currency loses value, investments decrease, in

What is Industrial Production Index and How is it Calculated?

 What is Industrial Production Index and How is it Calculated? Industrial production index is an indicator that measures the change in production activities in the industrial sector of a country in a certain period. Industrial production index plays an important role in the analysis of macroeconomic variables such as economic growth, employment, inflation and foreign trade. How is the industrial production index calculated? Industrial production index is calculated by taking the weighted average of the mining and quarrying, manufacturing industry and electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning production and distribution sub-sectors that make up the industrial sector. The weight of each subsector is determined by that subsector's contribution to gross domestic product (GDP). The weights of different activity lines within each sub-sector are calculated in the same way. The data used in calculating the industrial production index is obtained from the Industrial and Service Producer

Is it possible to make profits while gold prices are falling?

 Is it possible to make profits while gold prices are falling? Gold is one of the most preferred investment instruments by investors. Gold prices may fluctuate depending on economic, political and geopolitical developments. Is it possible to make a profit while gold prices are falling? The answer to this question depends on the method and strategy used by the investor. Here are some methods that can be used to make profits when gold prices are falling: - Short-term trading: During a period when gold prices are in a downward trend, investors can make profits by short-term trading. Short-term trading is a method that aims to buy at a low price and sell at a high price by closely monitoring price movements. Tools such as technical analysis, charts, indicators and news feeds can be used for short-term trading. Points to consider when making short-term trading are trading costs, determination of stop loss and take profit levels, and market volatility. - Futures and options market: Another m

Why Does the Value of the Dollar Change?

 Why Does the Value of the Dollar Change? The value of the dollar shows how much the dollar can buy compared to the currencies of other countries. The dollar exchange rate is the most common method of measuring the value of the dollar. These rates change every day because currencies are traded on the foreign exchange market ("forex"). The forex value of a currency depends on these factors: - Central bank interest rates - The country's debt level - Economical power When these factors are strong, the value of the currency is also strong. Most countries operate flexible exchange rates and allow forex transactions to determine the value of their currencies. The Federal Reserve has many monetary tools that allow it to indirectly regulate exchange rates. To understand how the value of the dollar has changed over time, let's look at some events in recent years: - 2002-07: US debt increased by 60%, while the dollar fell by 40%. While one euro was 0.87 dollars in 2002, it was

The World's Largest Economies

 The World's Largest Economies - USA: The world's largest economy with a GDP of $25.3 trillion. It accounts for approximately 25% of the global economy. - China: The second largest economy in the world with a GDP of 19.9 trillion dollars. It is predicted that it will close the gap with the USA over the years and become the largest economy in the world. - Japan: The world's third largest economy with a GDP of $4.9 trillion. It has maintained this rank for a long time. - Germany: The fourth largest economy in the world with a GDP of 4.2 trillion dollars. It stands out as the largest economy in Europe. - India: The fifth largest economy in the world with a GDP of $3.5 trillion. It is seen as the superpower of the future with its population and growth rate. - United Kingdom: The world's sixth largest economy, with a GDP of $3.3 trillion. Post-Brexit economic performance is a matter of curiosity. - France: The seventh largest economy in the world with a GDP of 2.9 trillion d

Jobs That Can Make a Lot of Money

 Jobs That Can Make a Lot of Money Nowadays, many people want to earn additional income or start their own business. However, it can be difficult to know which job will make more money. In this article, we have compiled for you some of the jobs that can make a lot of money. These jobs require both creativity and perseverance, but in the end, your efforts can pay off. Here are some of the jobs that can make a lot of money: - Blogging: It is possible to earn money by writing online. Especially if you are knowledgeable about a particular subject or industry, you can both express yourself and earn money through advertising income or sponsorship agreements by blogging. To do blogging, you need to set up a website and produce quality content regularly. You can also use tools like social media and SEO to promote your blog. - E-commerce: E-commerce means selling products or services online. You can set up your own website for e-commerce or sell through ready-made platforms. Points you should p

Is it easy to make money from the stock market?

 Is it easy to make money from the stock market? The stock market is a market that attracts the attention of many people and enters it with the hope of making money. But is it easy to make money from the stock market? The answer to this question really depends on how you approach the stock market and how much knowledge and experience you have. To be successful in the stock market, it is necessary to know and apply some basic rules. These rules are: - Knowing and researching the market well before entering the stock market. It is necessary to learn the answers to questions such as how the stock market works, which factors affect prices, which investment instruments there are, how to buy and sell. - Choosing and analyzing the instruments you will invest in the stock market carefully. There are various investment instruments in the stock market such as stocks, bonds, bonds, commodities, foreign exchange, indices, futures and options. The characteristics of each of these vary depending on

Highest Paying Jobs

 Highest Paying Jobs Nowadays, many people are looking for the highest paying jobs to earn additional income or start their own business. So, which jobs pay the most? The answer to this question depends on the person's abilities, interests, capital and goals. But in general, some jobs have higher income potential than others. In this article, we will present the most profitable jobs by dividing them into categories. Here are the jobs that pay the most: - E-commerce: Selling products or services over the internet is one of the most preferred and most profitable businesses today. To do e-commerce, you need a website, a warehouse, a logistics network and a marketing strategy. To be successful in e-commerce, it is necessary to provide competitive prices, quality products, fast delivery and customer satisfaction. The product or service categories you can sell in e-commerce include clothing, electronics, cosmetics, books, home decoration, education, health and many more. - Blogging: Blog

Most Popular Money Making Ideas

 Most Popular Money Making Ideas Nowadays, there are many different ways to make money thanks to the internet. Whether from home or outside, part-time or full-time, you can find a suitable job in the field you want. In this article, we will talk about the most popular money-making ideas in 2023. Among these ideas, there are both without investment and with investment. While some allow you to turn your hobbies into money, others require you to acquire new skills. Whichever you choose, the important thing is to be determined and consistent. Here are the most popular money-making ideas: - Doing e-commerce: E-commerce, which has become very popular in recent years, is one of the best ways to make money and start a business. While you have the chance to make money quickly and easily with some e-commerce methods, you can establish companies that will survive for a long time with other e-commerce methods. While you can open your own site for e-commerce, you can also sell on platforms such as

Will I Be Rich Tomorrow?

 Will I Be Rich Tomorrow? This is a question that comes to many people's minds. Being rich is something we think can solve many of life's problems. However, there is no guarantee of becoming rich. To become rich, it depends on some factors. These include factors such as determination to work, talent, luck, opportunity, investment, savings and risk taking. To become rich, you first need to set a goal for yourself. Your goal should be concrete and measurable. For example, instead of "I will be rich tomorrow," you can set a goal such as "I will earn 100 thousand dollars in a year." Once you determine your goal, you need to make a plan to achieve it. Your plan should be step by step and realistic. For example, instead of "There will be a big jackpot in the lottery tomorrow", you can make a plan such as "I will save 500 lira every month". To become rich, you also need to improve yourself. It is important to choose a profession or job that suit

The World's Youngest Billionaires

 The World's Youngest Billionaires --- There are 15 people in the world under the age of 30 who have billion-dollar fortunes. Are you wondering who these young billionaires are, how they got rich and what they do? Here is the list of the world's youngest billionaires announced by Forbes magazine. **Gary Wang (28)** Gary Wang is one of the youngest billionaires in the world. Wang, 28, is the co-founder of FTX, a Bahamas-based cryptocurrency exchange. FTX is one of the largest players in the cryptocurrency market and reached a valuation of $ 18.5 billion in 2022. Wang owns 32 percent of the company and his fortune is estimated at $5.9 billion. **Kevin David Lehmann (19)** Kevin David Lehmann is the youngest billionaire in the world. 19-year-old Lehmann inherited 50 percent of the shares of dm-drogerie markt, Germany's largest pharmacy chain, from his father. The company achieved revenue of $12.5 billion in 2022. Lehmann's fortune is 2.4 billion dollars. **Gustav Magnar Wi

Ways to Make Money Online (Current List)

Ways to Make Money Online (Current List) The Internet is used as both a source of entertainment and income for many people today. There are many different methods for those who want to make money online. Some of these methods may be easy and fast, while others may be difficult and long-lasting. However, what they all have in common is that they provide the opportunity to earn additional income by taking advantage of the advantages offered by the internet. In this article, we will share with you an updated list of ways to make money online. While preparing this list, we tried to choose methods that are both reliable and popular. We also briefly mentioned the advantages and disadvantages of each method. In this way, you can choose the method that suits you and start making money online. Here are the ways to make money online (current list): 1. Blogging Blogging is one of the oldest and most well-known methods of making money online. To make money blogging, you need to regularly publish p

Similarities Between Talented Athletes and Investors

 Similarities Between Talented Athletes and Investors Sports and investing are two fields that seem very different from each other. However, successful athletes and investors have some characteristics in common. These features help them improve their performance and get ahead of their competitors. In this article, we will examine the similarities between talented athletes and investors. 1. Being Disciplined Both sports and investing are activities that require discipline. Athletes must comply with their training programs, nutrition plans and rest periods. Investors, on the other hand, have to determine their budgets, risk management and investment strategies and stick to them. Being disciplined allows both athletes and investors to achieve their goals. 2. Be Flexible Sports and investing are volatile and competitive environments. Athletes must be prepared for the moves of their opponents, changes in conditions and the occurrence of injuries. Investors, on the other hand, must adapt to

Factors Affecting Cotton Price – How Are Cotton Prices Calculated?

 Factors Affecting Cotton Price – How Are Cotton Prices Calculated? Cotton is one of the world's most important agricultural products. In addition to the textile industry, cotton is also used in the oil, feed, paper, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. Cotton price is of great importance for both producers and consumers. So, how is the price of cotton determined and what factors affect it? Factors affecting the cotton price include supply and demand, weather conditions, production costs, exchange rates, government policies, speculative movements and international markets. Supply and demand: Cotton price varies according to the balance of supply and demand. When supply exceeds demand, prices fall, while when demand exceeds supply, prices rise. Factors affecting supply and demand are production areas, productivity, consumption habits, fashion trends and alternative products. Weather conditions: Suitable climatic conditions are required for cotton production. Cotton plant is sens

The Way to Success: Investing in Oneself

 The Way to Success: Investing in Oneself Success appears as an important goal in every person's life. What should we do to be successful? There may be many answers to this question, but the most basic and effective is investing in oneself. Investing in oneself means making an effort to ensure both personal and professional development, to reveal one's potential and to achieve one's dreams. A person who invests in himself knows himself, his strengths and weaknesses, determines his goals and makes plans to achieve them. A person who invests in himself is open to continuous learning and self-improvement. A person who invests in himself gains experience in different fields, acquires new skills, and specializes in the subjects he is interested in. A person who invests in himself is self-confident, brave and determined. A person who invests in himself measures success not only materially but also spiritually. There are many ways to invest in it. Some of these are those: - Educat

Small Tips for Saving Money

 Small Tips for Saving Money Saving money is something many people dream of but never achieve. To save money, it is necessary to make great sacrifices, give up luxuries, and make a strict budget plan. But these aren't the only ways to save money. You can also follow small but effective tips to save money. Here are little tips for saving money: - Do not throw away your coins. Coins are coins that are often overlooked and wasted. However, by putting your coins in a piggy bank, you can save a large sum over time. Put your coins in the piggy bank every day and deposit them in the bank when the piggy bank is full. - Review your subscriptions. There are many subscription services available today. Although services such as Netflix, Spotify, and Amazon Prime provide entertainment and convenience, they can take a significant share of your monthly budget. Consider how much you use these services and whether you really need them. You can save money by canceling subscriptions you don't use


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